2nd Sat - English Worship , 4th Sat -Tamil தமிழ் Worship @ 2:30 PM

Be Revived... Be Transformed
Preaching the full gospel, living the Word, and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit
God's Word, Works & Wonders
Exton PA +1 484 716 9689
2nd Sat - English Worship , 4th Sat -Tamil தமிழ் Worship @ 2:30 PM
Preaching the full gospel, living the Word, and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit
God's Word, Works & Wonders
Exton PA +1 484 716 9689
Pastor Vijay Adaik lives with his wife and three children in West Chester, PA. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering and worked as an Engineer & then a Clinical Analyst for about 15 years. But after that he had to resign from his full-time position and go on disability since his functional capacity went down due to many incurable diseases [Click on this link if you want to read the full story and learn about the ‘medically documented miracles’ that Jesus did for Pastor Vijay and his wife & their children].
God picked him up from disability, healed him miraculously from all those diseases that were medically incurable and led him to Medical School to make him a Physician - to serve those who are in need and show the love of Jesus through the field of medicine.
Pastor Vijay, and his wife Kavya, were raised in Hindu faith and so never attended a Church or never read the Bible until a colleague from work invited Pastor Vijay to a Church in the Philadelphia area. It is then he started attending Church with his wife and they started reading the Bible.
After experiencing the rich love & the power of Jesus in their lives, Pastor Vijay & his family have been on-fire to share the love of Jesus with others. They have dedicated their lives to serve the Lord by preaching the love of Jesus and praying for those who are in need. God has been carrying their ministry since conception and has led them to minister to thousands of people across nations.
Pastor Vijay graduated from CFAN (Christ For All Nations) Bootcamp in 2024 and was ordained as a ‘Minister of the Gospel’ by CFAN, a global ministry that has been preaching the gospel through Mass Gospel Crusades in more than 100 nations in the last 50 years with 97 million documented decisions for Christ thus far, and still counting, with a goal of 1 billion salvations in the next 50 years.
Pastor Vijay and his wife Kavya did not have any plan or desire to start a local Church and were only an itinerary minister – traveling to Churches where they are invited and ministering upon invitation at different Churches/across denominations. But in 2024, God expanded their ministry and called them to start a local church with a global mission.
The heart of Jesus is always longing for the sick to be healed, the oppressed to be delivered, the converts to be discipled, and more importantly - for the lost to be found/saved. So, upon God’s calling, they started ‘Bethesda Revival Fellowship’ with the following mission:
· To see the sick healed,
· To see the oppressed delivered,
· To see the converts discipled,
· For people who are lost – to be found/saved,
· For families to be revived & transformed.
THE BIBLE is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.
There is ONE GOD, eternally existent in three Persons:
In the Deity of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right Hand of the Father, His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule.
In the BLESSED HOPE - the rapture of the Church at Christ’s second coming.
The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
Re-generation by the HOLY SPIRIT is essential for personal salvation.
The redemptive work of Christ on THE CROSS provides healing for the body in response to believing prayer.
The BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it, with the evidence of "speaking in tongues".
In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is able to live a HOLY LIFE.
In the RESURRECTION of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.
@ Marsh Creek Community Church 101 Crump Rd, Exton, PA 19341, USA
Exton PA
ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் நான்காவது சனிக்கிழமை தோறும் மதியம் 2:30 மணிக்கு
Exton PA
Exton PA
Exton PA
Exton PA
ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் நான்காவது சனிக்கிழமை தோறும் மதியம் 2:30 மணிக்கு
Exton PA
2nd Saturday - English Service 2:30PM EST
4th Saturday - Tamil Service 2:30PM EST
Marsh Creek Community Church 101 Crump Rd, Exton, PA 19341, USA
Contact Pastor Vijay on +1 484 716 9689 info@brfchurch.com
My name is Vijay and I live with my wife & three children in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States. I have published this blog to share what the Lord has done for me and my family - which I consider as "Our story for God's glory!". A part of the blog includes many miracles.
Bethesda Revival Fellowship
Marsh Creek Community Church 101 Crump Rd, Exton, PA 19341, USA
Copyright © 2025 Bethesda Revival Fellowship - All Rights Reserved.